Gabriel Orion Marie Books and Art Check out the website for more information. All books available on Amazon This White House (Book One) introduces you to Gabriel’s life and the early years of abuse, which include being sold by her father as a child prostitute and being used for child pornography. She takes you into her experience of becoming many selves and into the abuse that drove her insane. You will come to love and admire this child/woman and will want to follow her through to recovery after you have been privy to what this book reveals. Going Sane (Book Two) in this series about my process of healing from incest through a therapeutic process that included painting my story. I am sharing with the readers some of the most heinous abuses and the resulting insanity that crippled and debilitated me profoundly. The experience of physical, emotional and sexual tortures drove me into a level of insanity and loss of perception of reality that permeated my daily life and required complicated and constantly shifting strategies for survival. A Spectacular Dawn (Book Three) is the final in this series and here Gabriel Orion Marie takes you into the heart of her healing, her conscious reclaiming of her sanity, her soul, her life and her joy. In this volume she shares extensively from her correspondence with Dr. A. and we are allowed to witness the depth of respectful, professional love that was a key ingredient in the thoroughness of her healing.