Check out for trailers and opportunities to help crowdfunding of upcoming project. Film shorts available. Nearly funded!!!
Help support funding of short film on effect of rape.
Wishful Film
Seeking crowdfunding on important topic, that so little is said about
Crowd funding website
When Tinks sees a young women being harassed by two men leaving a party in the town of Anywhere will he step in or turn the other way? And what affect will this have on the young woman's life. This is the theme for a new short film called Wishful, written and produced by Katie Carroll and directed by Sebastian Pavese
"In a time where sexual aggression against women is so commonplace that many people look the other way or even record incidents and post on social media, our film Wishful explores the affect our personal decisions can make on another person's life", says Katie "Sexual violence is often seen as something women need to avoid but what about the power we all have to de-escalate a situation and prevent it from occurring" What do you do when you see a man harassing a woman at a part or calling out to her on the street? Do you look the other way or do you say something? And what impact may that have on someone's life and psyche? That's what Wishful wants to examine.