Submitted by ThornsofPurpleRoses
She was two years old when her father married his mother She was enthralled with the idea of a new big brother She loved him immediately And he loved her too He was happy to teach her all That a sister is supposed to do
She was six years old when he taught her something new It was their little secret, though, something between only the two Her daddy said she could trust him So she did without a clue She was far too young to know This isn’t what a sister is supposed to do
He was a monster in a caring disguise He wanted a power trip despite her young cries He justified it in his head She wasn’t blood so it was fine He knew she couldn’t fight, he was stronger and older Older by years, a total of five
She was seven when they moved to a new town There were rooms between them, so she let her guard down The first morning he could He drug her from her bed by her feet He locked her in his room Used a pillow to stifle her screams
She was nine when she finally got brave She lied about the bruises that of course he gave Saturday morning cartoons Soon became a source for terror He’d always make sure the others were distracted She never spoke up, and that was her only error
He was a monster with words like honey He kept witnesses quiet with stolen money He was a sick individual And his friends were no better He’d lock her in the bathroom and let them all watch They’d say she could leave, but they never once let her
Again at eleven she chose to fight She was getting stronger, braver every night But her strength wasn’t enough when he gave his next threat She knew she was stronger Better she than her sisters So she decided she could handle it a little while longer
By twelve she was numb to the pain She was still weaker, but she had the brains He could lie all he wanted They’d all believe him, maybe But as she started to develop It would be hard to explain a baby
He was a monster but he was more of a coward He could play the monster, he didn’t care about his victim in her tower He was a psychopath He cared only for himself She was the survivor But her prize wasn’t a trophy on a shelf
Her prize was seeing the fear drown his gaze Her prize was having no more fear-filled days Her prize was a chance Her prize was learning too That was never something A sister was supposed to have to do.