The Remembering - Gail O'Keefe |
I found my voice, now I share My Story!
Curled up in the foetal position on my bed, not caring if I lived or died, consumed with shock and grief, I made a promise to myself. If I survived the horror of these horrific memories I’d write my story one day, in the hope that it would help inspire other survivors. Also to enable supporters of childhood sexual abuse victims to gain an understanding from a survivors perspective.
It has been a transformative process of eight years.
At times I felt very alone and grief stricken. The tears spilled down my cheeks and fear would often grip my fingers with each keystroke.
I’ve screamed, sobbed, raged, given up, over and over again, but there was 'The Remembering' within me that was relentless and wouldn’t permit me to quit and be silent any longer!
My heartfelt desire, is that my experience of childhood sexual abuse, as written in 'The Remembering' will make a difference.
Speaking out and talking about sexual abuse is important for survivors and our community on so many levels. If we are to have a society free from sexual abuse then we need to 'roll back the rug' and sweep this subject out into the open. Many survivors are too afraid to speak up and find their voice. Now that I have found my voice, my wish is that it will give hope to other survivors.
In doing so, I have chosen to write my story; a memoir of courage, strength and resilience...'The Remembering' Australian book See the website at